Thanks ever so much for taking the time to visit my website, well lets start from the beginning shall we....
My name is Jason Woodrow, known all over social media as "Jay from Just Technics" and also known as DJ Nitro when I do find the time to step behind a club/festival booth!
I am a vinyl pusher with over 20 years worth of experience and have been lucky enough to play for many well known events spinning anything from old school 90’s trance all the way up to hard techno with plenty of scratching thrown in for good measure!
For over 10 years now I have been repairing audio equipment for high end retailers and hire companies, my main passion is of course servicing, repairing and customising Technics turntables, somebody has to keep them alive!
I'm a self taught "specialist" who has been involved with electronic repair since the age of 15 (self confessed geek!)
I'm also sportsbike MAD and own a KTM 990 Superduke. absolutely love two wheels and have owned a LOT of bikes over the years! From Kawasaki ZXR750's and ZX10R's to Aprilia Mille's, Tuono's and RSV4's!
If you've been following my Facebook business page and YouTube channel (thank you!) then you will know I spend 90% of my working week repairing bodge jobs and so called "cough" serviced turntables which have been worked on by other competitors, now..... obviously there are a handful of UK businesses offering similar work to myself and they do a superb job, BUT unfortunately there are still a fair few bad apples thrown in the mix.....
You'll also know that I've caused quite an uproar online with my video uploads regarding the Technics MK7 and GR models and the much talked about pitch dead spot and platter machining issues, this started as wanting to voice my opinion at first but has haunted me ever since... lol
Over the years I've seen custom RCA cables at different channel lengths, extremely bad soldering, incorrect calibration settings, overheated components, damaged pitch units, melted wiring harnesses, mountains of insulation tape and the list goes on and on!
You will NOT get this from me, every turntable I touch is treated as if it is my own, gloves are always worn and extreme care is taken with every job no how big or small, this is the way every business should treat their work.
Unfortunately we now live in what I like to call a "throw away society" and are extremely lucky if a brand new product even lasts over a year without any trouble! trust me I've worked within the industry and sent faulty products back to suppliers for years......
A properly serviced pair of Technics decks will last years, there’s absolutely no reason as to why they won't outlive YOU once the work has been completed!
Look lets be honest, Pioneer, Stanton, Reloop (Super OEM by Hanpin) etc are all good brands and at some point in our own vinyl spinning journeys have all used something created by them, even Kam and Gemini were great fun back in their heyday, not to mention Vestax who were direct rivals to Technics too... now bankrupt :(
With today’s technology all being based around digital formats such as controllers and USB players the old school vinyl DJs are forgotten about, these big companies may release turntables claiming to be up to the challenge but we all they keep doing is pumping out the same rubbish, changing the looks slightly and adding another large price tag.
Have you ever mixed on a modern day “cough” DJ turntable?....... yep its not as accurate and there is a reason....
I’m not going to bore you to death with technical jargon, all I shall say is this:
If you let me loose on your Technics turntables I shall offer you a service which no other company will ever provide, I’m not all about the money or greedy in any way shape or form, I have bills to pay just like any other person on the planet and I too understand that money is always tight.
You will not find anyone else online as passionate as myself regarding Technics 1200/1210s, I eat, sleep and breath them...
So what are you waiting for? grab yourself a cuppa and fire me over a message... you wont regret it, plus your Technics deserve it!!
We do NOT service or repair anything other than the Technics SL-1200/1210 range of turntables.
Any emails received regarding the repair or servicing of any other product shall be ignored.